Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

445 - Degree in Tourism

29123 - Market Research

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29123 - Market Research
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

Learning activities will be based on theoretical and practical approaches. The students will have the opportunity to practice the practical contents in a team work project. Moreover, tutorials will be available for every student (4 hours per week).

5.2. Learning tasks

In order to achieve the objectives in this course, the following activities will take place:

  • Practical exercises at the end of each lesson

  • Professional experts in market research will present their experiences in class

  • Team work about practical market research

  • Tutorials

5.3. Syllabus

Unit 1. Introduction to market research


Unit 2. Market research process


Unit 3: Market analysis, market segmentation and position


Unit 4. Market research tools


Unit 5. Quantitative market research


Unit 6.  Practical applications to market research

5.4. Course planning and calendar

This course will take place along the first semester (Septembre- February)

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]


BB Báez y Pérez de Tudela, Juan. Investigación cualitativa / Juan Báez y Pérez de Tudela Madrid : Esic, D.L. 2007
BB Investigación de mercados / Salvador Miquel... [et. al] . Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1997
BB López Bonilla, J.M. y López Bonilla, L.. Investigación de mercados turísticos. Madrid: McGraw Hill, 2012
BB Trespalacios Gutiérrez, Juan Antonio, Vázquez Casielles, Rodolfo, Bello Acebrón, Laurentino . Investigación de mercados : Métodos de recogida y análisis de la información para la toma de decisiones en marketing. 1ª ed. Madrid : Thomson, 2005
BB Zikmund, William G,. Fundamentos de investigación de mercados . 2a. ed. Madrid : Thomson, 2003
BC Bearden, William O.. Handbook of marketing scales : multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research / William O. Bearden, Richard G. Netemeyer . - 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks [California] : Sage, cop. 1999
BC La investigación en marketing / coordinan, Josefina Martínez Gastey ... [et al.] Barcelona : AEDEMO, [2000]
BC Miguel, S....[]. Investigación de mercados . Madrid: Thomson, 1997